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Clients and exemplar marketing work.

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D.J. Alexander

When creating a Public Relations campaign for D.J. Alexander (a real life client in college). I chose to advertise the diversity in the company whilst targeting landlords to use their services; which include paid HMO fees, property management and financing payments and accounts. This overall makes D.J. Alexander 'The One Stop Shop' for Landlords.

Handing T-shirts out at Public Relation events are a great way to spread word of mouth! 

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The 'Social Bite' Enterprise

Social Bite was a live client of mine and my classmates in both years of my studies at Glasgow City College. Advertising and Public Relation Campaigns were amazing to make for them as they have a great following meaning campaigns could be a bit riskier!

Although the ability for risk and opportunities, Social Bites Advertising Campaign Brief included the goals of increasing sales within their Glasgow stores. The sandwich shop has recent lost sales and profit through the store and need to differentiate from large market competitors such as Costa, Cafe Nero etc.

Here after carrying out market research and discovering a wide range of customer variety, I have re-branded Social Bite's logo and advertised it with different contrasting colours to try reach a younger market in a #TasteTheHappiness campaign. I have also included pictures of food, highlighted meals and included illistrations to play on consumer emotions.

Be who you want to be 

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